Importance of Mentoring Importance of Mentoring Company Harlan McPhee North McPhee South Powerhawke Ravex Richards Company Using the Form Job Name * Job Name and/or Number Date * Importance of Mentoring No one has all of the answers. If you do, you are under-utilized and underpaid. For the rest of us, there are always going to be times when we need help from someone else. It is important to feel comfortable asking for help when you need it or mentoring others when they need assistance. Mentoring defines a mentor as a wise and trusted counselor or teacher. While that definition sounds like a formal and structured relationship between two people, it isn’t always the case. Often times a mentor at work is just someone from whom you are able to seek guidance or expertise. They are someone who has a lot of experience with a certain task or job and is willing to help younger or less experienced coworkers. Many companies understand the importance a mentor can have for a new hire and actually have an established program to make sure new hires have a mentor on the job. There are a lot of benefits from having a mentor at work. Benefits of Mentors at Work 1. Less job stress- Understanding your role at the company from someone who has gone through some of the same experiences can help to reduce the stress of a job. Many times our friends or family may not understand the stressors and issues we deal with at work, so having a relationship with someone who understands the issues that your position can create can be useful. 2. Fewer injuries and incidents- Obviously, when people with less experience are trained better and are given guidance, there is less chance for injury. Experienced individuals have to be willing to step up and talk to lesser experienced individuals when they see them working unsafely. 3. More efficiency- Production goes up when a new hire understands how to properly do their tasks. Experienced individuals have learned many valuable tips and tricks over the years that can be helpful for new hires. 4. Improved morale- When everyone helps each other out, it is a more enjoyable place to work. Summary If you do not have a mentor at work, think about reaching out more often to experienced coworkers around you. It does not have to be a structured relationship or even defined as a mentor/new hire relationship. It can just be looked at as being able to approach someone to get guidance or advice when needed. If you are an experienced worker, look to help out those coming up behind you. Everyone can learn from each other in different ways. Even new hires or younger individuals have life experiences that may drastically help someone who has a lot of experience in their field. Everybody wins when all the individuals on a worksite are able to work safely and efficiently. Additional Comments Trainer Name * Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Picture Upload Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum upload size: 52.43MB reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ