Holiday Season Holiday Season Company Harlan McPhee North McPhee South Powerhawke Ravex Richards Company Using the Form Job Name * Job Name and/or Number Date * Holiday Season Holiday safety is an issue that burns brightest from late November to mid-January, when families gather, parties are scheduled and travel spikes. Take some basic precautions to ensure your family remains safe and injury-free throughout the season. Traveling for the Holidays? Be Prepared Here are some other tips to keep you safe on the roads, over the holidays and every day: • Prepare your car for winter and keep an emergency preparedness kit with you • Get a good night’s sleep before departing and avoid drowsy driving • Leave early, planning ahead for heavy traffic • Make sure every person in the vehicle is properly buckled up no matter how long or short the distance traveled • Put that cell phone away; many distractions occur while driving, but cell phones are the main culprit • Practice defensive driving. Account for the potential unexpected actions from other drivers. • Designate a sober driver to ensure guests make it home safely after a holiday party; alcohol, over the counter or prescription medications and illegal drugs can cause impairment. Alcohol impairment was involved in about a third of recent fatal vehicle accidents. Decorate Safely When decorating follow these tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission: • Keep potentially poisonous plants – mistletoe, holly berries, Jerusalem cherry and amaryllis – away from children • If using an artificial tree, check that it is labeled “fire resistant” • If using a live tree, cut off about 2 inches of the trunk to expose fresh wood for better water absorption, remember to water it and remove it from your home when it is dry • Place your tree at least 3 feet away from fireplaces, radiators and other heat sources. • Avoid placing breakable ornaments or ones with small, detachable parts on lower tree branches where small children can reach them • Only use indoor lights indoors and outdoor lights outdoors, and choose the right ladder for the task when hanging lights • Replace light sets that have broken or cracked sockets, frayed or bare wires, or loose connections • Follow the manufacturers recommendation on the number of light sets that can be plugged into one socket • Never nail, tack or stress wiring when hanging lights and keep plugs off the ground away from puddles and snow • Turn off all lights and decorations when you go to bed or leave the house Candles and Fireplaces Use of candles and fireplaces, combined with an increase in the amount of combustible, seasonal decorations in many homes during the holidays, means more risk for fire. • Place candles where they cannot be knocked down or blown over and out of reach of children. • Keep matches and lighters up high and out of reach for children. • Use flameless, rather than lighted, candles near flammable objects. • Don't burn trees, wreaths or wrapping paper in the fireplace. • Use a screen on the fireplace at all times when a fire is burning. • Never leave candles or fireplaces burning unattended. • Check and clean the chimney and fireplace area at least once a year. Enjoy a Safe and Happy Holiday Season! Additional Comments Foreman Name * Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Picture Upload Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum upload size: 52.43MB reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ