Fire Extinguishers Fire Extinguishers Company Harlan McPhee North McPhee South Powerhawke Ravex Richards Company Using the Form Job Name * Job Name and/or Number Date * Fire Extinguishers Fire prevention and good housekeeping go hand in hand for obvious reasons, not only on the job- site but in the home and office as well. Fires can start anywhere, at anytime, and this is why it's so important to know how to use a fire extinguisher correctly and also to know which extinguisher to use for different types of fires. Only use a Fire Extinguisher if you have been trained how to use one. When a portable generator is being used for temporary power on a job-site or there is hot work in progress, a portable fire extinguisher is required to be in the vicinity and readily available for use. CLASS 'A' FIRES - These fires consist of wood, paper, rags, rubbish and ordinary combustible materials, the kinds of materials typically found on a construction site. RECOMMENDED EXTINGUISHERS - Water, through use of a hose, pump-type water cans, pressurized extinguishers, and (ABC) dry chemical extinguishers. FIGHTING THE FIRE - Put lots of water on the fire and soak it completely, even the embers. CLASS 'B' FIRES - These consist of flammable liquids, oil and grease. RECOMMENDED EXTINGUISHERS - (ABC) dry chemical type, foam, and carbon dioxide. Any of these will do a good job extinguishing the fire. FIGHTING THE FIRE - Start at the base of the fire and use a sweeping motion from left to right always keeping the fire in front of you. CLASS 'C' FIRES - are electrical fires, usually dealing with some type of electrical equipment RECOMMENDED EXTINGUISHERS - Carbon dioxide, Halon (or its substitute) and (ABC) dry chemical type. Carbon Dioxide or Halon are the preferred methods as they do not leave a residue. Use of a dry chemical agent will extinguish the fire but will require extensive cleanup. FIGHTING THE FIRE – Turn off the power. After the power has been shut off, use short bursts on the fire. Note that when the power is shut off on a "Class 'C' Fire, it can become a Class 'A' Fire if materials around the original fire are ignited. CLASS 'D' FIRES - Combustible metals. RECOMMENDED EXTINGUISHERS - Special agents approved by recognized testing laboratories. FIGHTING THE FIRE - Follow the fire extinguisher manufacture's recommendations. Note: Dry chemical fire extinguishers should not be used in substation control houses, unless that is all that is available. As noted above for Class “C” fires, if work that we are doing requires providing a portable fire extinguisher, such as plasma cutting or other hot work, plans should be made to provide an extinguisher that will not leave a residue such as a CO2 or halon extinguisher. REMEMBER P.A.S.S. Method – PULL the pin; AIM at the base of the fire; SQUEEZE the valve handle; SWEEP back and forth; Fire Extinguishers should be inspected on a monthly basis to ensure that they will be able to perform when required. Check the gauge (if installed) to make sure that the needle displays the proper pressure of the extinguishing agent. Check to see that the pin is properly installed on the lever to prevent inadvertent discharge. Check the certification tag to see if that extinguisher is within its yearly inspection interval. Make sure that the extinguisher is easily accessible and that it is not covered or hidden. A suggestion to help with this is to set up a re-occurring reminder in Outlook to inspect them at the beginning of the month. This can also help with reminders for other re-occurring events such as testing GFCI outlets. Additional Comments Foreman Name * Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Toolbox Talk Attendee Attended By (Required) Picture Upload Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum upload size: 52.43MB reCAPTCHA Submit Δ